Now Is Not the Time….

August 20, 2024

It is the middle of August.  Debates are being promised between the two leading candidates, as Kennedy works on securing access to ballots in all states, Ukraine is moving into Russia with US weapons, Israel has assassinated the chief Hamas peace negotiator,  the Japanese and US markets have recovered from a big dip, a monkey pox worldwide emergency has been declared and the attempted assassination of DJT is old news.  This violent act brought up thoughts of gun violence I have had in recent years. Most, including me, have not had a personal gun related tragedy involving a family member or close friend. Instead our consciousness is thrown into this world of terror by periodic mass shootings.

The FBI has established a criteria that defines a mass shooting. There has to be at least 4 dead. Based on that criteria the first mass shooting in the USA has been identified as occurring in 1949, by World War 2 vet Howard Unruh, who killed 4 and wounded 1. The case of Vernon Spencer, for some reason, did not meet the FBI’s criteria. Spencer killed 5 and wounded 1 in 1940, seven years before Unruh’s rampage. Three years after Spencer’s conviction his blood from the scene was examined. A doctor determined that due to the level of bromine found in his blood that he was insane at the time of the shooting. Bromine was an OTC medication that Spencer had been using to treat his increasingly severe headaches. He was a model prisoner, released after 30 years and spent the rest of his life working to rehabilitate other prisoners.

I don’t remember mass shootings when I was growing up.   I was 19 when the sniper in the Texas University tower killed 17 and wounded 31. As mass shootings became more frequent, the political parties battled about gun legislation. One side preaching stiffer gun laws and the other insisting talk of this was inappropriate after a mass shooting. That never made sense to me, as no good time for these discussions was ever established or proposed.

Reporters scrambled to learn about the killer and his motives through his family, friends, neighbors and teachers. The mental health of the individual would be discussed. What was never reported were what pharmaceutical drugs had been prescribed to the suspect. The reporters never mentioned the possibility that prescribed medications could be involved, even when the suspect had a long history of mental illness. As if, it was preposterous to suspect that a pharmaceutical drug could be anything but safe. Of course the act itself might make some doubt whether any drugs that might have been present were effective. That alone should have made the discussion important enough to be broached.

One of the hallmarks of people who go out and shoot other people is depression.  In the US, according to AI, 37 million Americans are taking anti-depressants. Of that number it is estimated, by AI, that 20-30 million Americans may be taking SSRI’s, a common class of antidepressants. There is a lot of controversy about SSRI’s. An ever increasing body of research fails to show a connection between low-serotonin and depression. The purpose of SSRi’s is to boost serotonin. Pharmaceutical companies do not say ‘Oops, I guess this stuff doesn’t work’. No, they say they can’t explain how it works, but we are sure it does. So just just keep on taking this. Perhaps harmless advice if the drugs are completely safe.

In looking for information to support my suspicion that pharmaceutical drugs and mass shootings are connected, I found more than enough to convince me. Big Pharma says ‘correlation does not prove causation’ I say open your eyes everyone.

Just a few of the more notorious examples:

1998 Kip Kinkle – killed 2 wounded 25. Prozak

1999 Eric Harris – killed 13 wounded 24 zoloft and luvox (with accomplice Dylan Klebold)

2005 Jeff Weisal – killed 9 Prozak

2015 James Holmes – killed 12, 70 injured zoloft

When clinical trials were performed on these drugs suicidal thoughts and violence were noted as side effects. It took years to force the manufacturers to put a warning on their products, even though they had evidence of potential problems from the start. This information as well as the drugs that shooters were on only came to light via lawsuits brought by victims of these crimes. Thirty years ago Eli Lilly, the maker of Prozak, gave (ie bribed) the shooter’s victims with 20 million dollars to prevent E.L. from being found culpable. The shooter, Joseph Wesbecker had been taking Prozac for about a month before he killed 8 and wounded 12. Mass shootings are the tip of the iceberg as family tragedies mount. It is hard to calculate the price that has been paid in lives, heartaches and dollars to support these monstrous drug machines.

So NOW IS THE TIME, in fact it is long past the the time that we should look into the drugs that are used to treat those who are having emotional problems. The left and right are being played. They are kept fighting over gun control so they won’t see what is really going on. 

An extensive piece by Joseph Mercola that included a 2022 Fox News video by Tucker Carlson that Mercola edited to remove political statements is very informative. GO TO ARTICLE

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By Maureen

I am a wife and mother of an adult daughter that was vaccine injured. I am in my seventies. I like to garden and cook and do my best to stay physically fit. I try and keep up on national and world affairs. I worked many years as a programmer and analyst for some major companies and later as a consultant.

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